


靈氣(Reiki)在歐美醫療體系有著深刻且實際的應用,針對癌症患者,除了傳統的化療及放療外,只要能緩解患者的不適,任何無侵入性的療法都能帶到臨床上為個案所用,此篇作者克莉絲汀為美國註冊護士,擁有23年的護理資歷,其中有十多年是在腫瘤科,同時她也是一名靈氣治療師,今年二月,她在癌症護理新知網站(oncnursingnews.com )發表了一篇靈氣在癌症護理的應用(Reiki's Place in Cancer Care),分享她在肺癌患者身上使用靈氣得到的心得,結果相當振奮人心,也令人感動。

靈氣(Reiki)在歐美醫療體系有著深刻且實際的應用,針對癌症患者,除了傳統的化療及放療外,只要能緩解患者的不適,任何無侵入性的療法都能帶到臨床上為個案所用,此篇作者克莉絲汀為美國註冊護士,擁有23年的護理資歷,其中有十多年是在腫瘤科,同時她也是一名靈氣治療師,今年二月,她在癌症護理新知網站(oncnursingnews.com )發表了一篇靈氣在癌症護理的應用(Reiki's Place in Cancer Care),分享她在肺癌患者身上使用靈氣得到的心得,結果相當振奮人心,也令人感動。






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Reiki's Place in Cancer Care

靈氣在癌症護理的應用    取自 oncnursingnews.com   (2018. 2. 27)

Complementary therapies in cancer care are on the rise. With their hospital's blessing and support, 2 nurses have been providing free Reiki to patients for 10 years as part of their approach to care.



In today’s oncology world we are not only discussing chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and surgical intervention, we are also talking about the physical and emotional side effects from long-term treatments. Complementary therapies in cancer care are on the rise and have broken through some previously defined barriers. I have had some very effective and powerful experience with one such alternative therapy, Reiki, in treating the side effects and emotional aspects of cancer with my oncology patients.


Reiki is a healing technique many believe was created by the Japanese monk, Mikao Usui, in 1922 (though others contend it existed in other forms before that). Sometimes referred to as the “laying on of hands,” the goal of the practice of Reiki is to balance the “chi” or life force energy.


About 10 years ago, only 2 years into my oncology practice, I had a young lung cancer patient who happened to also be a nurse. Due to her disease, she had vocal cord paralysis and spoke with a strained and diminished voice. After her Reiki sessions with another practitioner, that same strangled voice would be strong and clear for 2-3 days.

We, as her chemotherapy providers at Lahey Health, saw this phenomenon repeatedly in our time working with this patient. And, although I was initially skeptical, and a believer in Western medicine and science, I could not discredit what I had witnessed.

我們作為她在Lahey Health的化療提供者,在我們與患者合作的這段時間裡,多次看到這種現象。而且,儘管我最初持懷疑態度,並且是西方醫學和科學的信徒,但我無法抹黑我目睹的事情。

A fellow nurse and I decided to get certified as level 1 Reiki practitioners, which required 8 hours on a Saturday and 6 months of self-administered Reiki treatments to complete the attunement. I honestly felt “something” – a vibration is the best way that I can explain it. We decided to continue the levels of attunement through to master.

一位護士和我決定獲得1級靈氣治療師的認證,這要求在周六8個小時和6個月的自我靈氣療癒來完成。我真的覺得“有些東西” - 振動是我能解釋的最好方式。我們決定繼續通過掌握協調達到大師級。

With our hospital's blessing and support, we have been providing free Reiki to patients for 10 years as part of our approach to care. Patients have found it helpful for sleep, anxiety, pain, and neuropathies. In a career where I have to give life-prolonging but toxic substances, I feel very thankful that I opened my mind and heart to this gentle, supplemental, non-invasive treatment.


Many Eastern medical techniques have been around for thousands of years and by safely integrating these treatments into our science-based Western medicine I believe can bring more holistic care and may even decrease the needs for some pain and anxiety medications.


Kristen Nicastro,RN,BSN,OCN

克莉絲汀 美國註冊護士.護理學士.腫瘤科

克莉絲汀從事護理工作23年。服務於腫瘤科十多年,在馬薩諸塞州格洛斯特的家庭社區Lahey Health為成年癌症患者提供護理門診工作。 她是該醫院Reiki計劃的聯合創始人,該計劃向患者和社區無償提供了10年的靈氣。 她在看到祖母在肺癌治療期間印象深刻的療程後,被吸引到腫瘤科繼續她的護理生涯。