







Healing with Reiki in Hospitals


取自 Spirituality Health

The healing art of reiki is finding a surprising new home—high-tech Western hospital


In today’s hospitals, we see a brilliant show of hands—from the dexterity of a finely trained surgeon to the strong and efficient handiwork of a nurse. Soon, more hospitals might be adding the balancing touch of a reiki practitioner to their ranks.

在今日的醫院,我們看到了一個出色的演出 — — 從訓練外科醫生的細部靈巧度及護理人員處理事情的高效手感。很快,更多的醫院可能增加靈氣治療師到他們的行列裡。

Pamela Miles, a reiki master with 27 years of experience, advises Western health care professionals on how they can use this Japanese practice of “laying-on hands” to help ease pain, relieve stress, and speed recovery.
"When the human system is balanced, its self-healing mechanisms function optimally,” she says, noting studies have found that in addition to reducing pain and anxiety, reiki can improve blood pressure, respiration, heart rate, and heart-rate variability.

她說,"當人類系統平衡時,可以啟動自癒能力,"研究發現,除了減少痛苦和焦慮,靈氣可以改善血壓、 呼吸、 心跳、及心律不整的情形 。
Miles participated in a study published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology, in which reiki-trained nurses gave patients a 20-minute treatment within three days after a heart attack. The patients showed enhanced mood, and the improvement in heart-rate variability was comparable to beta blockers—an important indicator, since poor HRV is the most reliable predictor of death from another heart attack.
麥斯在美國參加了一項針對心臟病的研究發表,其中靈氣護理師在病人心臟病發作後的三天內每天給予20分鐘治療靈氣治療。患者精神狀態的提升,和心律不整的改善相當於 β受體拮抗劑—另一個重要的指標,因心律變異導致心臟病發作死亡患者明顯降低。
A growing number of physicians are recognizing the benefits of this healing practice, including cardiologist Suzanne Steinbaum, the director of Women and Heart Disease at Lenox Hill Hospital, Heart and Vascular Institute, in New York City, and author of Dr. Suzanne Steinbaum’s Heart Book. Steinbaum took Miles’ first-degree reiki training course, and approaches her work with the conviction that patients will heal best if their care is in line with their lifestyle and beliefs.
越來越多的醫生正在認識這種療癒方法,包括紐約的蘇珊·斯泰鮑姆博士,她是一位心臟病專家,蘇珊·斯泰鮑姆也是一位作者,在Lenox Hill 醫院的心臟和血管研究所的機構中,曾寫出婦女和心臟病這本書。斯泰鮑姆曾經修習一級靈氣的訓練課程,她會將靈氣使用在病患身上,讓病患能復元的更加健康,假設這樣的照護方式是符合病患的生活方式及信仰理念的話。
As an example, she recalls a female patient with irregular heartbeats caused by hyperthyroidism who had been advised to get a cardiac ablation (a corrective heart-rhythm procedure) or surgery on her thyroid. But the woman was reluctant to undergo surgery and sought to alleviate her condition with reiki, acupuncture and herbal medicine. So Steinbaum made a deal with the patient—she could try a holistic approach, but under her doctor’s supervision. 
她舉出一個例子,她回憶起一名女性患者因甲狀腺功能亢進引起的心律不整,曾被告知要進行心臟消融術 (穩定心跳的一種手術方法)。但這女性不願意接受手術治療,並合併使用靈氣,針灸和中藥。因此,斯泰鮑姆與病人達成了共識 —她可以嘗試整體的醫學療法,但需要在醫師的監督下。
“After five to six months, we started to see improvements, and by eight months, her thyroid normalized,” says Steinbaum. “I knew that if I didn’t help her, she was going to do it anyway, so I decided it was a better option for her to at least be monitored.”
The results didn’t surprise Miles, who says, “Although people usually feel better quickly—no small thing when you are suffering—the balancing effects of Reiki practice often build slowly when there is a chronic condition. When there is trauma such as an injury or surgery, however, the effects of balancing the system can be quite dramatic.”


Reiki practitioner Nancy Arnott witnessed such improvement frequently during Miles’ 100-hour Reiki internship program on the general surgery floor of Beth Israel Medical Center in Manhattan. There, Arnott treated a wide range of patients, from 19-year-olds with appendectomies to 85-year-olds recovering from cancer surgery, all in varying degrees of pain. Pre- and post-scores showed reduction in pain and anxiety with reiki treatment.
“Some people who are religious told me they saw Jesus Christ” during sessions, Arnott says. “They went deep within and connected to the spiritual part of them.”

靈氣醫師南茜,經常在曼哈頓的貝斯以色列醫療中心裡的普通外科病房所規劃的100小時靈氣實習計畫裡,目睹這些戲劇化的改善。在那裡,從 19 歲到 85 歲的癌症、闌尾炎手術病人,都從不同程度的痛苦中恢復過來,種類繁多。所評估給予治療的前後差異,顯示靈氣的確可以減少痛苦和焦慮。

“Some people who are religious told me they saw Jesus Christ” during sessions, Arnott says. “They went deep within and connected to the spiritual part of them.”


Keely Garfield learned to practice reiki with Miles, and took her Medical Reiki Intensive. Garfield is now the clinical coordinator of the Urban Zen  Therapy program at the Farber Center for Radiation Oncology.


Garfield saw reiki come to the rescue during the aftermath of the 2010 earthquake in Haiti, when she offered treatments to abandoned babies, orphans, doctors, nurses, and staff at the NPH St. Damien’s Pediatric Hospital and Orphanage. Reiki’s calming effects were evident, including with an autistic toddler who was blind, partially deaf, and self-stimulating by rocking back and forth in her crib.  Garfield recalls placing her hands on the girl’s chest and belly and feeling the girl became still, her frenetic breathing softening. When she sang to her, the girl turned her face in her direction, and Garfield felt a gentle connection.


In addition to her private classes, Miles also trains doctors and nurses to practice reiki, including staff at New York Presbyterian Hospital, Children’s Hospital at Montefiore, and Yale Medical School. “In the home or in health care, the care of others begins with the care of the caregiver,” Miles says. “Empowering professionals with a daily self-care practice naturally makes them better caregivers, and practicing reiki for just a few moments can help settle distressed patients.”


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